Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Cosmic Jest

By "Cosmic Jest" I do not refer to the tragedy that happened on this day 12 years ago. That catastrophe is an overshadowing presence that puts my own little life and its travails into correct perspective. 

Yet I will continue to quibble and cavail about my affairs, which do now take on the nature of a cosmic jest. 

Despite having turned down a full time position (after torturous deliberation) I am now being thrust into one to cover for a colleague! It is temporary, theoretically, perhaps lasting through January, but I am fighting a tendency to snarky bitterness because I hate having my plans thwarted. Obviously there is a power that wants me to work full time.

And as if to make it very clear who is in charge, this "permanent art installation" was placed at the entrance to the neighborhood park yesterday morning, right across the street from us:

I don't know the artist's name or I'd mention it here. [Note: His name is Ricardo Breceda] Whereas this figure may have creative merit, I can't help but wonder if it's really appropriate at the entrance of a park with a toddler playground and library. 

This morning I took a long walk, something I'll not be able to do except on weekends for months now. There is something about being out there at first light which bolsters my soul, something about the liquidity of those first rays and that nourishing freshness in the air that keeps me not just sane but correctly energized. The thought of losing my connection with the rising sun is very depressing.

It is hard not to do more than count my losses today.  But there has to be a pony, right? 

I'll be doubling my income. Can't hurt! That will allow me to build up my savings account, and the size of my paycheck will help my (eventual) retirement check. 

The wash will still be there in a few months. 

And it gave me an excuse to order a two page per day calendar for my compact binder. 

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