Everything seems a little hazy to me today. The jury duty was cancelled, thank heavens, and our tax planner has left us searching for appraisals. My dental work is not complete, sadly, and things may get worse before they get better.
But hazy goes beyond the uncertainties. I just feel foggy on the inside. So many decisions have been taken, so much set into motion, that despite my lists I feel scattered and uncertain. Things that were up in the air months ago are settling into form, and that form is not necessarily my preference. I'm juggling too much, in short. Spread too thin.
We are going to have a cold winter. Our nights have been in the 30s already; typical for this time of year are mid-40s. My brother says his horses are growing unusually thick winter coats now.
I ordered a Plannerisms planner today for next year. Ever hopeful to find something that is both the right size and useful.
And at the Goodwill a week or two ago I found this lovely desk organizer and pot of silk roses!
Have managed to fill the darn thing to bursting already, but at least that stuff is no longer scattered across the desktop.
Wish I could find something to capture my scattered ideas as effectively.
Hi Christine! I'm Heather and I was wondering if you could answer my question regarding your blog :-) If you could email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com I would greatly appreciate it!